Our services for your site include:


Customizable front-end
• About us
• Why Join
• How to Join
• Dynamic link to a configurable website on the main menu
• Dynamic logo depending on the organization the
chapter belongs to

Chapter detail pages

• Members list and member details
• Leadership team
• Most wanted categories
• Meeting location with address map
• Contact us form

Private members area and chapter management

• Self-maintained member profile page
• Speaker rotation list & maintenance
• Mailing list form
• Subs list & management
• Security enhancement, email is hidden to visitors
• Weekly meetings component
Resources page
• Dynamic membership printout
• Dynamic sign in sheet printout
• Other documents

Membership list maintenance

• Add a new member
• Delete a member
• Change details
• Printable membership list
• Consolidated members list and membership management under a single component.

Category list & Management

• Auto-configuration of unused categories as wanted

Site configuration

• Chapter name
• Chapter location
• Contact email

Chapter Management System 2.0.1 is an on-going project.
We are constantly building new tools and capabilities into our software.
Our goal is to make our tool the only one needed to fully manage a business chapter, from basic membership to automated invoice generation and reporting compliance.

Chapter Management System tool is currently in v2.0.1, which includes all the capabilities mentioned plus 10 modern and business class templates.