Introducing Chapter Management System 2.0.1

A successful networking Chapter depends on communication among members and the use of effective tools to simplify their management overload. We know; we have been members of a successful Chapter since 2002.

SBN Chapters.NET and Chapter Management System 2.0.1 have been developed to share with other networking Chapters a tool that has been helping our own chapter for more than 3 years.

If your chapter is like ours, you probably want the best looking website that will represent your professionalism, along with a handful of tools that will allow you to promote and grow your chapter and their members. You probably want to be able to send prospects to your site to learn more about your Chapter, its members and your organization.
And if your chapter is like most, you want it to be affordable, simple to manage and administer so anybody can do it and to have it ready as soon as possible.

Chapter Management System 2.0.1 is all this and much more. See it for your self. Download our brochure, share it with your peers and join us. You will not find a better way to provide your chapter with the best website and management tools, guaranteed!