Membership is calculated based on the number of active members at the moment of registration or renewal. Membership is annual and is based on $20 per member rate.


To register your chapter you will need to fill up the form in this page with information about your Chapter and yourself.

The information we collect is needed to configure your website and to allocate resources to you.

Initial registration can only be completed by the President, Vice President or Secretary Treasurer of your Chapter.

We will process your payment through PayPal, which is a secure processor for online payments. After you review your registration you will be forwarded to Paypal's website to complete the payment.

For the process to be completed correctly, it is important that you finish all the steps required at Paypal's website.
After you are finished, you will be automatically forwarded back to our website for a confirmation.

You will also receive confirmation of your payment from PayPal and from our system.

If your Chapter's bank account does not provide you with a Check Card or Debit Card and you are planning to pay with direct debit, we recommend that you register at Paypal (if you don't have an account yet) and set up your bank account under your PayPal account BEFORE registering your Chapter with us, to simplify the process.

In any case, if you couldn't complete the payment or something went wrong, DO NOT register your Chapter again, just contact us with details about your registration and your email address and we will help you finish.





progress bar
Fields with * are required
Chapter Info
Chapter Name *
Chapter Tagline
Director Name
Director Email
Ambassador Name
Ambassador Email
Contact Email * [?]
Sponsor *
Total Members *
Networking Organization *
Link Text *
Organization Website * http://
Meeting Location
Place *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Meeting Day *
Meeting Time *   
Website Details
Chapter Domain * /
Template *
Member Information
Name *
Company *
Category *  My category isn't listed
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone *
Email *
Website http://