Professional Networking Group  
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About us

PNG is made up of professionals and business owners from a variety of backgrounds. We have lawyers, accountants, bankers, real estate and insurance professionals, among others. Although, we are different in our specialities and our approach, we share a common goal; the desire to build our businesses and expand our network of quality business partners.

How do we do this?

... by multiplying our opportunities to promote one and other's business through the other members in the group. For example, when the accountant in the group comes across a client who is in need of finanical planning, he may refer the client to our expert in financial planning.

[New Members] Membership is not automatic. We want to insure that our clients, friends, and in some cases family, are in "good hands." Consequently, referrals and membership are taken very seriously. We do our "due diligence", meaning that before a new professional is invited to join us, members of the group must have built a "trusted" relationship with that person.

[Success] Last year, members of PNG passed hundreds of referrals, generating thousands of dollars worth of business! Some of us have added as many as fifty (50) new clients in the first two (2) years!!!

[End-Result] There are no guarantees of success, but PNG provides not only an informal, friendly environment for promoting your business and in turn greater success, but also is a place to meet and form solid relationships with other professionals. Group members bring years of experience and wisdom to the table. We like and learn from each other!!

[Exclusivity of Membership] In order to maximize your marketing power, we allow only one person per professional classification or specialty to join.

(*) Note, some professions, specifically attorneys and certain health care professionals, may not be permitted to seek direct referrals through in-person solicitation through the use of business cards pursuant to their ethical code. Members of PNG that belong to these professions are directed to follow their profession's ethical guidelines.